K-8 Student Performance Stalls
The state has released the results of the 2016-17 LEAP tests for grades 3-8. While a number of New Orleans schools showed improvement, fewer students overall met the new more rigorous Mastery standard, and the city fell in state rankings.
- New Orleans student performance in English decreased from 35% to 34% Mastery in English (-1) and from 27% to 25% Mastery in math (-2).
- Statewide, the percent of students scoring Mastery in English improved from 41% to 42% (+1) and dropped in math, from 34% to 32% (-2).
- New Orleans outperformed the state average for African-American students and English Language Learners.
- New Orleans’ district rank fell from 47 to 50.
LEAP Performance All Students 2015 to 2017
English and Math Combined