Gap Closing Continues

TOPS Scholarships and ACT Scores on the Rise

Educate Now! has reviewed the 2012 TOPS data, and the percent of public school graduates eligible for TOPS scholarships in Orleans Parish is now higher than in Jefferson and East Baton Rouge parishes.

  • In 2012, 38.8% of Orleans Parish public school graduates were eligible for TOPS scholarships (two- or four-year).
  • 36.6% of East Baton Rouge graduates and 38.4% of Jefferson graduates were eligible.

New Orleans continues to close the gap with the state average.

  • Since 2005, the percent of Orleans Parish graduates eligible for TOPS has grown 13.9 percentage points, from 24.9% in 2005 to 38.8% in 2012.
  • During this same time, the state average grew only 5.3 percentage points, from 37.3% in 2005 to 42.6% in 2012.

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In the News – September 27, 2012

In this edition of In the News:

Is N.O. a Model for America?

Born on the Bayou: A New Model for America
Third Way – September 2012
In this report for the non-partisan think tank Third Way, writer David Osborne examines the turnaround of New Orleans public schools, reviewing the history of the RSD, how the city arrived at what is now a majority-charter school system, and what have been the academic results. Osborne calls our school turnaround “stunning” and “dramatic” and says results in New Orleans “could well shake the foundations of American education.” He also wrote a commentary for Education Week.

New SPS Calculations for 2012-13 School Year

When School Performance Scores (SPS) are released this fall (2012 scores), they will be based on the same formula as in the past, except the score for a failing school increases from 65 to 75.

Next year at this time, however, the 2013 School Performance Scores will be calculated very differently. Here are some of the highlights:

Scale: The simplified scale will run between 150 and 0. (Currently it runs from 200 to 0.)

School Grades: An SPS of 100 will equal an A; an SPS of less than 50 will equal an F.

K-8 Schools:

  • LEAP and iLeap – Schools will not receive points for scores below Basic; English and math test scores will be double weighted for all grades.
  • Attendance – Will not be part of the SPS calculation.

High Schools: The changes in calculating the SPS for high schools are more significant. Continue reading

In the News – September 10, 2012

In this edition of In the News: 

Democrats vs. Republicans on Education

Republican Education Platform 2012 Emphasizes School Choice, Teacher Accountability
Huffington Post – August 29, 2012
The GOP education platform advocates providing broad education choices to parents and children at the state and local level — whether through charter schools, virtual schools, career and technical education programs, vouchers, or tax credits. The party also advocates an emphasis on STEM subjects, merit pay for teachers, and proper implementation of technology in the classroom to facilitate learning.

Democratic Platform Hails Common Core, Praises Teachers
Education Week – September 4, 2012
In its official platform, the Democratic Party challenges and encourages states to raise their standards so students graduate ready for college or career. Democrats also say they will provide states and communities with the flexibility and resources they need to improve K-12 education. The platform gives teachers significant recognition and praise, but it also refers to the need for carefully crafted teacher evaluation systems. Continue reading

In the News – August 27, 2012

In this edition of In the News:

LA’s Minority Students Outperform Peers

Louisiana Minority Students Making Gains in College and Career Readiness
LA Department of Education – August 22, 2012
According to a 2012 ACT report, Louisiana’s minority students – including Hispanic, African-American and American-Indian students – outperformed their peers across the nation on the ACT. The average composite score for Louisiana’s African-American students is 17.5, compared to 17.0 nationally. The average composite score for Louisiana’s Hispanic students is 20.5, compared to 18.9 nationally. 

Continue reading

And the OPSB Candidates Are….

This fall, all seven seats on the Orleans Parish School Board will be up for election. This election is important because:

  • This board will choose the new School Superintendent.
  • This board will play an important role in the return of RSD schools to local control over the next few years. 
The primary will be held November 6, 2012, and runoff elections will be held December 8, 2012. 

Here is a list of candidates by district. Continue reading

In the News – August 13, 2012

In this edition of In the News:

We’re America’s Fastest Growing City

A Look Into America’s Fastest Growing City
Forbes – July 26, 2012
New Orleans is America’s fastest growing city, and it’s not just because of residents returning since Katrina. A high quality of life, business-friendly environment, and progress in education reform have lured new industries, new jobs and new people to the city. Continue reading

In the News – July 27, 2012

In this edition of In the News:

  • RSD Adopts Expulsion Policy
  • Voucher Accountability Approved
  • Voucher Lawsuit Status
  • Community Colleges – Working to Improve Results
  • A Look at Virtual Schools
  • Other National Education Stories
  • More Local News

RSD Adopts Expulsion Policy

Recovery School District to List Behaviors that Could Get Students Expelled
Times-Picayune – July 16, 2012
To improve consistency and transparency among its schools, including its charter schools, the RSD has developed a new expulsion policy with a list of expellable offences and a uniform procedure for handling complaints and hearings. The RSD has also developed an issue reporting process for parentsContinue reading

Proposed Accountability Plan for Voucher Schools Released

Superintendent White has issued his proposed standards 
for Academic Accountability for Voucher Schools.

BESE will meet tomorrow (Tuesday, July 24th) at 11:00 am to vote on Superintendent White’s Proposed Policy for the Voucher Program.

Educate Now! supports these policy recommendations and strongly urges BESE to approve them.

Quick Summary

Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year:

  • Schools with fewer than 10 voucher students in a tested grade and with fewer than a total of 40 voucher students enrolled in tested grades (3-11) will have their test results reported by grade (if more than 10 students) and by program (all students tested if more than 10 total). Continue reading

End of Course Test Results Are In

Earlier this month, the state released the results of the End of Course tests (EOCs).

Background Info on End of Course Tests

Louisiana has phased out the Graduation Exit Exam (GEE) and replaced it with EOCs.

  • The graduating class of 2014 must pass at least three EOCs to graduate: English II or English III, Algebra I or Geometry, and Biology or American History. *
  • EOCs count for at least 15% of a student’s grade in the course.
  • School Performance Scores will now be calculated using EOC results instead of the GEE.

Results by School

Some schools outperformed the state average in the percent of students considered proficient (scoring Excellent or Good). Ben Franklin and Lusher – both selective admission schools – outperformed the state in all 4 subjects – Algebra I, English II, Geometry and Biology. Warren Easton and Sci Academy out performed in 3 of the 4 subjects. Continue reading