More Seniors are Graduating

2005 and 2010 Graduation Rates

Historically, New Orleans did a dismal job helping their seniors cross the finish line. In fact, in spring, 2005, the last year all the schools were under the Orleans Parish School Board, only 79% of New Orleans seniors graduated, tying Madison Parish for the worst record in the state. Thus, for every 100 seniors, 21 did not get to walk across the stage and receive diplomas.

The percent of seniors graduating has risen dramatically since 2005.

This year, 90% of seniors graduated, allowing 270 additional seniors to proudly participate in graduation ceremonies.

In 2005, 79% of seniors graduated.

In 2010, 90% of seniors graduated – an 11 point increase.

For a list of post-Katrina (2007-2010) graduation rates by school, click here.